Let’s make you an Irresistible Personal Brand

Capture the magic of your 1-1 “offline” interactions and turn them into a powerful digital presence.

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

Let’s make you an Irresistible Personal Brand
 Irresistible Personal Brand

Let’s make you an Irresistible
Personal Brand

Capture the magic of your 1-1 “offline” interactions and turn them into a powerful digital presence.

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Why you should invest in professional Personal Branding

Why you should invest in a professional Branding Expert

  • Attract clients who are ready to work with you AND have the right budget.
  • Speak a “language” that immediately resonates with your audience. And converts.
  • Stop wasting money and opportunities telling the wrong things to the wrong people.

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

I’m Michele, a Personal Branding Expert based in Bali. I tell digital stories and create brands with heart & soul.

Your energy doesn’t have boundaries. Let your true Essence shine through your digital presence.

Interior Design Magazine and Studio branding
Create your personal brand with Inner Light

Magnetic Personal Branding Expert

Michele here, I am a digital storyteller and help conscious leaders by crafting authentic Personal Brands that immediately resonate with their audience.
I call it Magnetic Branding because it matches the magic of your 1-1 “offline” interactions and turns them into a powerful digital presence.
Imagine a world where your Message and your Brand magnetically attract your ideal clients.
How much BIGGER your impact would be?

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

  • Attract clients who are ready to work with you AND have the right budget.
  • Speak a “language” that immediately resonates with your audience. And converts.
  • Stop wasting money and opportunities telling the wrong things to the wrong people.
Michele Zangrandi, founder of InnerLight

I empower YOU to Create your most inspired life and unique vision

My 3-step Magnetic Branding Process

Brand Photography in Bali

Step 01

Everything starts with clarity

Did you ever wake up without a clear idea of what you should be doing?

You know there is an important mission to accomplish, but really can’t figure out which steps to take first.

Most times we resource to what I call “busy work”, unimportant tasks that are not going to get us real results BUT make us feel less guilty about not doing the thing we should be doing.

This is a clear sign we are out of alignment with our true purpose. And an even clearer sign we need a strategy to take us off the woods.

The good news is that you don’t need to figure it out alone. A personal branding expert or a branding coach can save you months (if not years) by setting you on the right course.

  • Don’t feel overwhelmed by a million tasks. Be clear on the ONE THING that can generate the most impact.
  • Be clear on WHY you are doing what you are doing. And learn how to act in spite of fear.
  • Get a deep understanding of WHO your clients are and HOW you can truly serve them. No more guesswork.
Brand Photographer in Bali

Step 02

Align your why and your messaging

Ready for a harsh and unpleasant truth?

Without a clear message, your audience will ignore you. Ouch.

“People don’t buy the best services; they buy the services they can understand the fastest”

If you can’t communicate HOW you can help your client solve a specific problem FAST, they will move on to someone who does.

It doesn’t matter how gifted/experienced/passionate you are. If you can’t communicate it clearly, no one will experience your magic.

It doesn’t matter how gifted/experienced/passionate you are. If you can’t communicate it clearly, no one will experience your magic.

My mission is to give a powerful voice to all the heart-centered entrepreneurs out there who have incredible gifts. But are not having the impact they desire.

  • A confusing message is costing you money and opportunities RIGHT NOW. How many more ideal clients need to slip away before you start taking action?
  • Turn any brief encounter into an opportunity.
  • No more blushing when people ask you “So, what do you do?”
  • Speak a language that resonates with your ideal clients. Both in-person and digitally.
Create a powerful Personal Brand

Step 03

Create a powerful Personal Brand

Now that we have solid foundations for our personal brand, is time to create an authentic digital presence.

Some people will absolutely LOVE how authentic your brand and messaging are. They will tell you how much it resonates with their personal stories (spoiler alert, those are your ideal clients).

Others will be massively triggered by it. And that’s when you understand you did it right.

Because you are not for everyone. And neither should be your personal brand.

One thing I guarantee, your purposeful digital presence is NOT GOING TO BE IGNORED.

  • Stand out from the crowd by becoming the most powerful and unapologetic version of yourself.
  • Send consistent branding and messaging out there. It doesn’t matter if it’s on your social profiles, website, newsletter, or in person.
  • Turn any small interaction into an opportunity. Because you can’t control where your ideal clients will first hear of you. But you can control WHAT they will hear about.

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

Get help with brand creation | Branding Expert
Rebranding | Branding Expert
Branding photoshoot in Bali | Branding Expert

I can help you

  • Brand Creation – Embody your most powerful self by mastering your branding and messaging. Translate the magic that happens when you work with clients 1-1 into the digital world.
  • Rebranding – You are an ever-expanding being and your brand should evolve with you. My holistic approach to personal branding is perfect to gain clarity and align your messaging and your visuals.
  • Discover your true gifts – walking the less-traveled path of a heart-centered entrepreneur can be daunting. I will assist all the way with compassionate and expert brand coaching.

Because your personal brand is the FIRST thing people will see when “digitally” meet you.

And you know how much first impressions count.

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

Personal Branding Expert for yoga teachers

Personal Branding is much more than just a good-looking website. It’s your most powerful self, in digital version

Schedule a Free 15-min intro call with me.
I promise is gonna be worth it.

Branding expert

Still not sure what a Magnetic Personal Brand can do for you?

As a heart-centered entrepreneur, do I need personal branding?

The short answer is YES.
The positive impact you want to make in the world is too important to be ignored.

Stepping into your full power is scary, I know it very well.  But your vision is too meaningful to keep playing safe and small.

I was exactly where you stand now, having the same fears and self-doubts. This is why I decided to create Inner Light, as a way to give transformational leaders a powerful digital voice.

My mission is to turn your unique journey into an authentic personal brand that resonates with your ideal clients and attracts them magnetically.


How to choose the right branding expert?

There are a number of things you should look at when choosing to work with a branding expert (or any high-specialized professional) and I will get to them in a second.

However, the absolute NUMBER ONE thing you should look at is how compatible your long-term visions are.


For purpose-driven entrepreneurs like ourselves, the way is as important as the destination. Would you ever work with someone with a shaky work ethic or someone ready to pass over people’s feelings to get what they want? I didn’t think so.

Once you established your visions are aligned, here are other things to consider:

  • Look at their success stories and what they did for previous clients. This is going to give you an idea of what you can expect.
  • Read testimonials of past clients and see which words are they using to describe the collaboration. Is this something you would like to experience during the branding process?
  • Have a look at their “about us” page to find the WHY behind the creation of the branding agency. Does it resonate with your personal vision?
  • Look at their social profiles. Here is where brands are more “relaxed” and offer you a sneak peek into their lives. Pay special attention to HOW people interact with their content. Are they showing genuine affection and admiration?
  • Book an intro call and get to meet someone from the team face to face (for small agencies will be the owner themselves). This will give you a taste of how is their communication, you can ask questions and see how comfortable you feel working with them.

Remember, finding the right branding expert means adding an invaluable ally in your corner. Someone fully devoted to you and your success. Choose it wisely.

Should I look for a branding agency near me?

Having widespread access to ordinary services is an undeniable advantage. For highly-specialized services, however, the chances of finding a well-known professional in your neighborhood are pretty slim.

You could decide to settle in for less and choose a branding expert nearby, but this is not your only options.

The important question should be “Is this branding agency the perfect fit for my needs?”

If the answer is YES, distance is not going to be an issue.

I serve hearth-centered leaders in virtually every timezone, from US and Mexico to Europe and Australia. They choose to work with me because of my work ethic and because our visions are completely aligned.

This is much more valuable to them than knowing that my office is in their neighborhood.
On top of that I work between Boulder (Colorado) and Ubud (Bali) and this gives me the opportunity to meet in person most of my clients during my frequent trips.

What to expect when working with a branding expert

At Inner light, we do things a bit differently compared to other personal branding


Most of our focus is in fact on the journey and not just on the destination (which is going to be exceptional nevertheless).

Let me explain.

Our mission is to create a digital presence that matches the magic and inspiration that you have in your 1-1 interactions. Not a cookie-cutter approach.

It’s more like a journey of self-discovery where your brand and messaging “emerges” as a result of your deep work. Here I explain in detail the full process.

As result of this process, you can expect an authentic message that deeply resonates with your ideal clients and a personal brand and a website that fully represent YOU and magnetically attract your ideal clients.

Personal Branding Expert

Whypartner with Inner Light?

Because you want someone that really takes the time to understand you and your brand. Someone who asks you questions about your values, clients, and overall brand identity. Not just point a camera at you.

Someone that makes you at ease and empowers you to embody your most powerful self. Find creative solutions to capture your true essence. All the way.

Branding Expert in Bali

The word to our Clients

Branding expert for interior designers

“Inner Light transformed my vision into something magical.

I had the feeling Michele could see right through me. He is not just a Branding Expert, he is an artist.”

Katrin Krakovich

Founder of Being Interior Design Magazine

Branding expert for yoga and meditation teachers

“InnerLight.digital created my online presence by directly translating the real-life magic that happens when I meet with clients in person”

David Lahav

Founder at David Lahav Vedic Meditation

“There was so much respect, such a container of truth”

Allyson Baker

Co-founder at HUH Institute

Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding
Magnetic Branding