Step off the path and find yourself deep into the forest of your mind

Chris Fox

Movement Alchemist


Can you tell me how your journey with therapeutic Yoga and FRC Mobility started?


I felt like something was missing with yoga and so I started to look outside of it and came across some interesting people that moved and taught some curious things, it led me to FRC and an exploration of finding more control within myself, and it has been a great addition to my movement practice and also for students and clients of mine.


What was the most significant turning point in your life?


I don’t think I’ve had a massive one, but it feels more like I’ve walked down this path in a forest that feels familiar and welcoming until I for some curious reason step off the path and find something else, and it brings me deeper into the forest, trees look different, the ground feels stranger, the sky is bluer, and then I look back at where I once was and it makes sense that I stepped off the path. I think this happens every so often.

Step off the path and find something else, and it brings me deeper into the forest.

Interview with Chris Fox - Movement, Intelligence and Viking traditions


What is the most common myth about mobility?


I think it has become a buzzword in the last few years and gets confused with flexibility. And at the same time, it gets so heavily defined that it becomes rigid.

I mean, there are sooo many ways to train one’s mobility, and we’ve actually done it for ages, we just defined it a bit more and some people structured it into certain systems. But it is definitely a popular term that is being used quite a lot.


How did you find your voice and your purpose?


I think I’m still searching and finding my voice and purpose! It’s an ongoing process, that’s for sure.

I was (and still am) a very shy person, and so standing in front of big groups of people and speaking is still something I am amazed that I’m doing as a profession. I found parts that work and others that didn’t.

I am constantly refining and exploring my voice and purpose, but in the essence of it, I want to convey poetry through movement, I want people to feel that they are far more capable of feeling their body than they think, I want my voice to carry inspiration and motivation and I want my purpose to be encouraging to people to love their bodies and move them more often than not.


What does success look like for you?


To wake up early, have a large portion of the morning to myself, and my practice, to come to a place where I get to share what I love and what I’m passionate about, and get to travel doing this as well.

And to come home to a massive bed and be overjoyed that I did my best today, and that I will be excited for the next day.


What’s one of the biggest challenges you had to face while building your personal brand?


This is still a big thing for me. It is to reach people that aren’t where I am.

It’s great to meet new people and see regular students in classes, and yet, I love what we can create on social media platforms with both informative content and artful content as well. This is where I struggle a bit with consistency and how the ever-changing environment of algorithms becomes a thorn in the side.

I’m at a point where I love sharing simple words and photos and the occasional semi-instructional video without the urgency to get sales or stressing over the right time, place, and people to reach. But it also percolates in my mind quite a lot.


If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you try to accomplish?


Travel the world with my workshops and retreats at least 6 months of the year. It’s been my dream since I started teaching, and I’ve always wanted to travel extensively and at the same time I am the most comfortable homebody there is who basically goes from my house to my fave restaurant to work and back again!


What’s your spirit animal?


Isn’t it obvious? I’m such a fox. It’s a high-energy, sneaky, funny, playful, mischievous, and mystical being.

Chris Fox

Movement Alchemy

Chris Fox is a mobility specialist, movement alchemist and yoga teacher focusing on helping people to make their bodies smarter. His classes and sessions are inclusive and adaptable to personal needs and gives attention to simplicity and freedom.